Empowering you to Unlock your Potential
Harvard Business Review (HBR) indicates the top three reasons people seek out a coach are to:
Develop themselves or get assistance in the facilitation of a transition
Have someone who can act as a sounding board
Have someone who will address a derailing behavior
Have you felt this way? Have you said you need someone to walk through this season of your life with? Someone who will be empathetic and non-judgmental, yet provide sound guidance and encourage you with accountability? Someone who has been recognized for their wisdom, yet humble to have a teachable spirit? Someone who will direct you with over 35 years of coaching to support you on your transition. I bet you have a tremendous amount of skill, wisdom, and insight locked away and hidden. I know there are people who want to tap into these skills, learn from your wisdom, and gain from your insights.
I am coaching today because I survived and thrived during a season of helping our company complete one of the largest corporate mergers in history. During this time, I wondered if those I worked closely with for years would do when they retire (whether by choice or having the decision made for them). I witnessed many of these successful people respond by doing the same thing…nothing.
All this potential, skill, wisdom, and insight locked away and hidden, perhaps forever. I knew this could be me if I didn’t unlock my potential. Now as a certified success coach, I help people thrive and unlock their potential!
Are you ready to discover your vision and build a practical plan to work toward making it happen? When you read the statements below, if you find yourself answering “yes” to at least four of the six statements, I encourage you Take Action and set up a complimentary coaching call.
You’ve enjoyed a successful career and now sense a change is coming in your work/company/life and you want to explore new possibilities.
You’ve had a lot of success but, now you feel called to something new and cannot quite put your finger on it.
You’re the kind of person who wants to invest your life and time in making a change where you should (new life circumstances, changing seasons, project completion, career move, etc.)
Life has gone well but inside you hear a question about the possibilities for your most impactful life…. you’re curious how you could discover and even get started.
You know you want to offer your best in what you do but need help clarifying the best and how to plan.
You are doing great and yet wonder if your current life is your best investment of the life you desire. Is it time for you to investigate?